Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The most useful extension ever (well atleast for me)

If you are one of browsing mortals on whom internet god shines all the time and who keep landing on cool and informative pages.... and hey u dont wannna lose them... well what do we do? We bookmark them (a complete no brainer!!) and also want tu use them from my home pc, my office pc, cafe.... etc etc

This extension called Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer... which uploads ur bookmarks on a live server and anytime you open ur browser it automatically syncs your bookmark files with server and in case there are extra bookmerks on local pc then it gives you an option of :
  • Keeping the local ones
  • Overwite with the server saved ones
  • OR keep both!! (5 stars for usability)

I found it simpler and more user friendly than the Google browser sync.. well people would beg to differ...

But theres only one way to find out... Just download it and temme...
