Saturday, September 06, 2008

Google scares me now

The more I use the new Chrome browser... the more I feel scared... Google has always backed up Firefox.. and now secretly develops its browser (by hacking one of Firefox developer).

But what really scares me is the amount of information that Google has at its disposal currently. I have always had issues with Google keeping an eye on my browsing, for me thats serious breach of privacy... I know EULA is something I accepted but.. this could be dangerous...Now we dont have google toolbar, but the browser records everything and anything according to EULA... Damn it...

With this kind of information and some backdoor business moves.. dunno how much of "Do no Evil" still stands true... Another microsoft in the making....


RahulG said...

Ha! The big brother is watching you! :D

Hey, what do you think about the 'incognito window' thingie? Do you really think that it works or is it just to calm down users like you and I, who feel scared about their privacy?

AB said...

Bang on... In the incognito mode the'd possibly still be recording activity... but just not show it to us...

As it is how many users will change the default settings and use this mode at all.. Thats the thing the EULA cashes on..